Summer Camp 2025, June 28th-29th

Come battle it out with your fellow campers at Yellow Barn Farm in Boulder for an Adult Summer Camp.

About this experience

The third annual MTN KDS Summer Camp is here! Below are the details of how the weekend would go.

There will be 150 people, 6 teams of 25. Red Team, Green Team, Orange Team, Blue Team, Pink Team, and Yellow Team. We will send out the timing for the day and field day games we will be doing when we send out the final email/group chat. We will probably have games where everyone on the team participates and some games where you select a few to participate. We will try our best to accomodate teammate requests. After the games we will have Happy Hour, Slip n Slide, then a silent disco, and campfire (pending no burn ban) to end the night!

Event is rain or shine.

Everyone will receive a mtn kds T-shirt with their team color.

This is a one night camping trip. Bring your own camping gear. Car pooling is highly recommended as we only have parking for about 75 cars on site.

2 Meals Included Saturday, Build Your Own Sandwhich Bar Lunch w snacks and Pizza Dinner. Feel free to bring any snacks or drinks with you!

Refund Policy - There are no refunds for this event under 7 days notice. All refunds/cancellations prior to a weeks notice will be minus a $10 restocking fee per ticket. 

1) Please respect the farm we will be staying on! They are kind enough to rent us their land for this event 3 years in a row. Only go to areas marked on the map I will put in the group chat and don't go in any of the buildings on-site. NO SMOKING ANYWHERE ON PROPERTY.


2) When arriving at Yellow Barn Farm we will have someone waiting to check you in, sign your activity waivers, and pass out shirts. Then you will be directed where to park. If you need help ask someone in a referee shirt.


2) Please bring enough water for yourself to last the day and a half we will be there. There is not a drinking water source for us to use. Worse comes to worse Boulder/Lyons is not far.


3) We want this to be competitive, but we will have a ref for each team during the games. ABSOLUTELY NO ARGUING WITH THE REFS. All the games are house rules, which all refs are aware of if you have any questions. In the end this is all for FUN. Please good sportsmanship.


4) Make sure you are prepared to run, hop, dive jump, and sweat! You are going to be tired at the end of the day. Not a bad idea to do some conditioning the week before haha.


5) There are two porta potties on the property. Please do not go to the bathroom in the creek running through the property.


6) There is a small creek to cool off and rinse off after.


7) Please car pool if you can. We only have enough parking for about 75 cars.


8) This is going to be a very hot and tiring event! Please refrain from consuming any alcohol until after the majority competition portion.


9) Please make sure any food or snacks are not left unattended at camp or left out at night for wildlife purposes.


Saturday July 13th - Estimated Schedule


Scoring System for each game. (1st Place 3 Points) (2nd place 2 Points) (3rd place 1 Point)


7:30 AM - 9:15 AM People Are Checking In/Arriving/setting up tents

9:30 AM - 10-minute group stretch with team

9:45 AM - Let the games begin/team pictures before we are sweaty

Game 1 - Big Group Hula Hoop Circle. First team to get the hula hoop around all their linked arms wins.

Game 3 - Hop Scotch Rock Paper Scissors

Game 4 - Spoon and egg walk.

Game 4 Relay - Three-Legged Race

Game 5 Relay - Monkeys in a Barrell, Pick 8 People per team

Game 6 Relay - Potatoe Sack Races

Game 7 Relay - Card Board Lava Walk

Game 8 Relay - Back-to-Back Balloon relay

Game 9 - Egg Toss

Honorable Mention - Giant Slip n Slide Flip Cup

Game 10 - Dodgeball Battleships

Honorable Mention - (Musical Chairs (If we can get enough volunteer chairs)

11:45ish- Lunch (Build Your Own Sandwich Bar)


1:00 PM - 4:45 PM - Finish Games

Game 11 - Tug O War

Game 12 - Dodgeball as many games in 1 hour as possible. 2 teams play at a time. 10 people each team. 8-minute time limit. Tie Breaker 1v1 sudden death. Court gets smaller every 2 minutes.

Final Competition Game 13 - Capture the flag Tournament.

After Capture the flag, Crown The Championship Team.

Group Picture (All Teams)


5:20 PM - Dinner (Pizza)

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Silent Disco

8:00 PM - 10:45 PM Camp Fire (Must be put out at 10:45 PM Farm Rules)

After 10:00PM - Quiet Hours - Welcome to stay up and chat maybe play some card games, but must be at minimum volumes. Familes live on this farm. Please be respectful of everyone else and dont talk or hangout next to tents people are sleeping in. I always recommend bringing ear plugs for group camoing trips.


Sunday August 27th


7:15 AM Coffee Station, BYO Breakfast Snacks

8 AM - 11 AM - Relax, Pack up, and Head Out

Your Host

Host image

My name is Jeff.